How to create up to 15 creatives?

One of the best features our DSP has is the way how creatives are created.

You can create up to 15 creatives. This may sound exhausting, but there is a way to create them in no time. We will show you how here.


Each creatives has 5 elements:

  1. Headline
  2. Description
  3. Icon
  4. Image
  5. Campaign URL
Technical informations:

Maximum headline length is up to 100 characters.

Maximum description length is up to 200 characters

Minimum dimensions for icon is 80px x 80px.

Minimum dimensions for image is 600px x 400px.

Campaign URL must include https://.

How to easily create up to 15 creatives?

Now, after we have covered all the basiscs, let’s go to the fun part.

Creating creatives can be a pretty exhausting part of the job, especially if you need to create them one by one. That is usually the case, since there is always some A/B testing that has to be done with them, in order to find ones that have the highest CTR.

After you are done setting up general configuration, targeting, traffic sources, budget & bids and links, it’s time to setup creatives.

This is the screen you are going to see after you are done setting up your campaign. To add new creatives, just hit “Add New Creative”.

This is the next screen you are going to see.

Here you have a possibility to create from 1 to 15 creatives.

We can add up to 5 headlines, 5 images, 1 icon and 1 description.

Adding headlines:

First, we are going to add 3 headlines to test out which one works the best.

Adding images

After we have added headlines, we can proceed with adding 4 images and an icon.

The best thing of all is that you can add up to 5 images at once, with one click.

After we are done with adding images and icons, we are ready to see the beauty of adding multiple creatives on our DSP.

Coinis DSP Magic

So, as you can see, after adding 3 headlines, 4 images and 1 icon, Coinis DSP mixes up all of them and makes 12 different variations of creatives by itself. There is no need to do it manually.

So, it made variations:

  1. Headline #1 – Image #1
  2. Headline #1 – Image #2
  3. Headline #1 – Image #3
  4. Headline #1 – Image #4
  5. Headline #2 – Image #1
  6. Headline #2 – Image #2
  7. Headline #2 – Image #3
  8. Headline #2 – Image #4
  9. Headline #3 – Image #1
  10. Headline #3 – Image #2
  11. Headline #3 – Image #3
  12. Headline #3 – Image #4

Now we have 12 different creatives which we have created. It usually takes less than 2 minutes to create 12-15 creatives.

Description and Campaign URL

Now, let’s add description and Campaign URL also.


After we are done adding all the content we need for creatives, we can check how each of them will look served to the user just by clicking on them.

Mobile preview

Creative #1 – mobile preview

On this example, we can see how creative #1 will look served to mobile users.

Desktop preview

Creative #1 – desktop preview

On this example, we can see how creative #1 will look served to mobile users.

Saving creatives

If you are satisfied with the work you’ve done with creatives, it’s time to hit “Save” button.

All created creatives preview

After you have saved them, you can see all created creatives here.

Besides that, you can edit, delete and clone all of the creatives from the screen.

Editing a specific creative

If you are not satisfied with some of the creatives, you can just hit a small “Pen” icon on the right side, and this screen will pop-up:

Editing a specific creative
Editing a headline on specific creative

Here, I made an edit to the headline from “Headline #1” to “This is creative number 1!”.

After clicking “Save”, changes will be saved, and this creative will be updated:

Creative #1 with changed headline

As you can see, creative #1 has a changed headline now.

Get statistic for creative

Since this is a new campaign, we cannot click on “Statistics” button. When campaign gets some data, this button gets unlocked, and you can check out Statistics for each of the creatives.

Clone a specific creative

To clone a specific creative, just click “Clone button”. After you click it, you will get an option to edit that creative:

Editing a cloned creative

Here, we can change all the information about the cloned campaign:

Clone creative – edited

After you are done with editing it, just hit save, and it will be shown in creatives list.

Cloned creative

Deleting a creative

To delete a creative, just click “Delete” button with a small trash can icon on the right.


That’s a wrap. We have created 13 creatives in less than 3 minutes, and made a great selection of creatives for A/B testing.

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