Meta Tags

What is Meta Tags?

The information found on the HTML page’s header that is not visible to visitors. They’re tidbits of text that characterize a page’s content to search engines. Meta tags are only shown in the page’s source code and not on the actual page. Meta Keywords Attribute, Title Tag, Meta Description Attribute, and Meta Robots Attribute are the four most important sorts of Meta tags to be familiar with. The main difference between tags you can see (on a blog post, say) and tags you can’t see is location: meta tags only exist in HTML, usually at the "head" of the page, and so only search engines can view them (and people who know where to look).

Because these tags give metadata – information about the data on your website – the "meta" prefix stands for "metadata." Meta tags help in SEO. There are four major types of Meta tags: meta keywords attribute, title tag, meta description attribute, and meta robots attribute. Meta Keywords are an example of a meta tag that has little practical value in modern SEO. Meta keyword tags used to be useful, but not anymore. Title tags, on the other hand, are the most critical of all the meta tags described so far. These tags have a significant impact on search rankings, and they are also the only ones we’ll cover here that are readily apparent to the ordinary user. The meta description is a helpful meta tag since it tells search engines and (sometimes) individual users what your website is about.

Meta robots are instructions to the search engines on how to treat your pages. Meta tags can have a significant impact on search engine optimization. Only the Title Tag has the power to influence your search engine rankings. The usage of descriptive tags may entice people to come to your site. The meta description can be used as "organic ad text" if necessary. Most search engines do not recommend using meta keywords anymore. You don’t need to be a coder to use meta tags; all you need is a little expertise with HTML. Use Word Stream to determine the most successful keywords for your website’s meta tags.

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