Single opt-in

What is Single opt-in?

Conversion flow that requires only one conformation. It is a one-step method that only requires a single confirmation, which means that a user has to enter their e-mail address just once in the registration box on a website. No more information is required, and they become subscribers instantly after this process. The single opt-in includes a simple registration process for the recipient and the brand. As the confirmation does not be deferred to another location (i.e., the recipient’s inbox) later on, a single opt-in is the immediate solution to extend the database.

There are fewer obstacles to verifying registration, which means a greater percentage of successful registrations. Single opt-in has various benefits as no additional steps are involved, the single opt-in enables registration in only one action, minimizing the number of drops in half the procedure. The only impediment may be the form: requesting too much information from the receiver could prevent them from filling it out. For this reason, the main areas of the form (name, surname, and e-mail address) and references to subsequent communication with the profile management center are always recommended in terms of preferences and frequency sending. In the short term, contact lists with the opt-in approach always generate more opens, clicks, and conversions than lists obtained with the double opt-in method. That is easy: the former can rely on a wider pool of beneficiaries since they also acquire 20 percent of potential connections who do not confirm subscriptions in the face of double opt-in.

Contacts collection with the single opt-in does not include unverified e-mail addresses being provided to the database. The same objective can be achieved by evading the double opt-in but by incorporating some tools. For example, double-entry confirmation requires a new contact to input two separate form fields in the e-mail address. BriteVerify or Fresh Address is used to validate the given e-mail addresses format, domain, and account.

Reengagement e-mails finally re-establish or remove recipients who complete their registration, but don’t interact with the e-mails (leaving the opener and clicking the impeccable), provide best practice to maintain a clean list and retain the single opt-in. One of the largest opt-in pros is Iterable that designed to handle single opt-in subscriptions to the lists by default. This is easier, creates a lower barrier for registration, and is easier to use for users. One of the main adverse effects is that anyone who fails to write their e-mail or puts it in a "bad" e-mail address will be listed.

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