Spremni za lansiranje? 🚀
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Coinis učestvuje u prvom crnogorskom svemirskom programu! Sjećate se Felixa Baumgartnera i njegovog skoka sa ivice svemi...
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Coinis učestvuje u prvom crnogorskom svemirskom programu! Sjećate se Felixa Baumgartnera i njegovog skoka sa ivice svemi...
In Industry News
Coinis takes part in the first Montenegrin space program! Remember Felix Baumgartner and his jump from the edge of space...
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Being a socially responsible organization is helping us make a change in our local community (and globally) and raise aw...
In Industry News
During the times of Covid, we swore not to miss any conference once things got back to normal. Now, when it’s possible t...
In Industry News
Being a socially responsible organization is helping us make a change in our local community (and globally) and raise aw...